
Air Force Kids Velcro Low University Gold

Original price was: Rp150,000.Current price is: Rp115,000.

Fans of the classic two-toned style, particularly those who adore Kobe Bryant, have even more reason to rejoice. Fans of those youngsters should have very little to be upset about, since what we’ve found so far is nothing short of amazing.

The very stylish white and golden gold combination of Sneakers Kids Low is back. Although it lacks a hint of purple, this Rp 115.000 sneaker should have Laker and Kobe fans rushing to it. It truly portrays the essence of Laker land. For now, these are a no-brainer for the ’82 rotation, but they’re the ideal prelude to the real Kobe Bryant AF 1, which is expected to release later this year in two colorways.

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26 : (inner sole 17cm ; estimasi usia 3th) – kaki anak agak gendut
27 : (inner sole 17,5cm ; estimasi usia 3,5th)
28 : (inner sole 18cm ; estimasi usia 4-4,5th)
29 : (inner sole 18,5cm ; estimasi usia 5th)
30 : (inner sole 20cm ; estimasi usia 5-5th)

Kelebihan Membeli Produk di Urban Sneaker Kids.
• 100% Real Picture
• Antislip / Tidak Licin
• Menggunakan Material/bahan Aman dan Berkualitas
• Banyak varian Warna/Model terbaru
• Bisa Return Produk dengan Syarat dan Ketentuan yang berlaku
• Bisa tukar size jika kekecilan dengan syarat ongkir di tanggung pembeli
• Barang dicek QC Sebelum dikirim

Ketentuan Order/Pengiriman Pesanan.
• Barang Ready Sesuai Varian.
• Varian Kosong = Kosong
• Jika Barang Kosong akan Ready Stock Sekitar -+ 2 Minggu
• Pastikan alamat anda, size dan warna sudah Fix Sebelum Check out/Order
• Packing dengan Box Sesuai Brand
• Estimasi pengiriman Pulau Jawa 2-3 Hari , Luar Pulau Jawa 3-6 Hari
• Max order 18.00 Senin s.d Jumat, Sabtu Max order jam 15.00

Weight 0.7 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 10 cm

26, 27, 28, 29, 30


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